Our mission

Our mission encompasses but is not limited to the following 8 points. They were created collectively through collaboration between current and former TPATH Board members and the TPATH membership.

1. To ensure that trans health care is approached from a human rights perspective.*

2. To hold all researchers to a high standard of ethical and empirical practice.

3. To support trans identified researchers pursuing invesigations into trans health care.

4. To engage trans people in our own care by, for example, supporting access to training and education for trans people interested in the health professions.

5. To ensure that PATH conferences are a comfortable space for trans attendees by, for example, having trans-identified individuals on conference review committees.

6. To increase trans membership and leadership of WPATH and its regional organizations, especially of individuals and communities that are particularly marginalized (e.g. people of color, fromt he global south, sex workers).

7. To bring attention to th growing voices, needs, and goals of trans members in the PATHS.

8. To support trans individuals in becoming PATH members and attending PATH conferencs through the provision of scholarships.

*We affirm that healthcare providers and others involved in the field of transgender health have an ethical and legal obligation to meet the rights of transgender people, including the United Nations’ Yogyakarta Principles and with respect to the rights to life (Principle 4), recognition before the law (Principle 3), the highest attainable standard of health (Principle 17), freedom from unnecessary medical interventions (Principle 18), and redress (Principle 28).